Did you know that SERVPRO has an App?
6/15/2021 (Permalink)

The SERVPRO Ready Plan Mobile App is an emergency preparedness tool for home and business owners, property managers, risk managers, and facility management. A marketing representative will walk through a facility or home to create a personalized profile with all relevant information about the facility. A "Emergency Ready Plan" is specified with your address, building size and structure, rooms within, and contact information such as your insurance company, fire department, and utilities. If there is a plan in place it allows a seamless communication of information from the customer to SERVPRO at a time when every minute counts. When the time arises the facility, manager has this program in place with pinpoint directions for the Emergency Response Team to begin the cleanup and restoration process immediately. The app even includes directional information, such as where circuit breakers, waters shut offs, and fire extinguishers are located. There is even space for you to place photos for those hard to reach or find locations and it is all right there at your fingertips on your phone's home screen. You choose the information you want accessible as well as who has access to that information, such as employees, managers, or tenants. If a plan is not in place the facility manager will have to contact, then relay relevant information, then meet onsite to direct which can prolong the response time. That could make the difference in closing a company for an afternoon or for the week.
The advantages of having the Emergency Ready Profile can help minimize your business interruption by having an immediate plan of action in place for your building. Being prepared is the key to making it through any size disaster from a water leak from a toilet overflow, sprinkler malfunction, a small or large fire or an area flood.
Please do not wait until disaster strikes call SERVPRO of West Akron today to get your individualized Emergency Ready Profile for your commercial facility ~ 330-867-5723!