4th of July Fun can Cause Fire Damage
6/30/2020 (Permalink)

Summer weather means cookouts, Fourth of July fireworks, and all sorts of campfire fun! We want to make sure that all our Akron residents will stay safe. Below are some interesting statistics and fire tips to share with your loved ones during the holiday.
- The earliest documentation of fireworks dates back to 7th century China, more than 2000 years ago.
- 40% of those injured are under the age of 16. Keep children away from fireworks.
- Fireworks are not fun for animals. Always keep dogs and cats inside the house when fireworks are being let off. Stay calm and make sure they have somewhere to hide.
- Helpful Tips: Make sure fireworks are legal in your area. Keep a bucket of water or hose near in case of a fire. Never re-light or pick up used fireworks.
- 74 Million Americans will be grilling on the 4th of July.
- 1 Trillion pounds of meat is grilled each 4th of July.
- Propane is the power source for 69% of all frill fires on residential properties.
- Helpful Tips: Never use a grill indoors or in a garage. Keep grill 10 feet away from your house, pets, and kids. If you have a grease fire, use baking soda to put it out, not water.
- Campfires can burn around 1500 degrees Fahrenheit.
- 1 out of 3 forest fires are started by people who are careless with campfires.
- Create a fore line for young children. Using a rope, create a boundary surrounding the fire to keep children from getting to close to the flames.
- Helpful Tips: Clear a 5-foot area around your fire to keep flames from spreading. Do not allow children to play around the fire unsupervised. Make sure that the fire is fully extinguished before leaving the area.
If you do have fire damage know that SERVPRO of West Akron is a call and ready throughout the entire Holiday weekend! We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and/or smoke damage. Call us 24/7 at 330-867-5723.